Dr. Birger Baastrup DC,CCSP, is a 30+ year downtown Juneau chiropractor who enjoys the scenery around the area with hiking, biking, kayaking, and karate. He is also keenly interested in photography, and loves going out to capture our beautiful Juneau scenery whenever he can. You may see his images in the Juneau Photo Group on Facebook.
City Center Chiropractic
City Center Chiropractic

Charles Dowding will joining us all the way from England to talk about no-till gardening and organic composting.
Charles Dowding, educated at Cambridge University, has created timesaving methods of organic, and especially no dig gardening. Charles also conducts trials and publicise new ways of growing, picking, marketing salad leaves, and of multi-sowing vegetables. Since 1982 he has created and cultivated four no dig market gardens on different soils: stony, silt, white and ordinary clay. In the 1980s his garden covered 7.5 acres (3ha) of no dig beds and was less intensive than now. The growing methods are as applicable for small areas as large ones. Currently, Charles cultivates intensively 0.33 acres/1300 square metres in Somerset, SW England, for local sales of salad leaves and vegetables. He has written 11 books and two more on the way, articles for national gardening magazines, and regular uploads of videos to my You Tube channel. Plus Charles gives talks and courses at home and abroad. Charles and his “No Dig” method has been written about in the New York Times. https://www.charlesdowding.co.uk/post/charles-dowdings-life-and-his-story-of-no-dig
Charles Dowding, educated at Cambridge University, has created timesaving methods of organic, and especially no dig gardening. Charles also conducts trials and publicise new ways of growing, picking, marketing salad leaves, and of multi-sowing vegetables. Since 1982 he has created and cultivated four no dig market gardens on different soils: stony, silt, white and ordinary clay. In the 1980s his garden covered 7.5 acres (3ha) of no dig beds and was less intensive than now. The growing methods are as applicable for small areas as large ones. Currently, Charles cultivates intensively 0.33 acres/1300 square metres in Somerset, SW England, for local sales of salad leaves and vegetables. He has written 11 books and two more on the way, articles for national gardening magazines, and regular uploads of videos to my You Tube channel. Plus Charles gives talks and courses at home and abroad. Charles and his “No Dig” method has been written about in the New York Times. https://www.charlesdowding.co.uk/post/charles-dowdings-life-and-his-story-of-no-dig

Nick Morgan is a Senior Meteorologist with the NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE in Juneau, serving the people of Southeast Alaska. He began his career at the National Weather
Service office in Atlanta, Georgia, but fell in love with Alaska and has spent the past few years focused on all things Alaska weather. Nick works with local communities to help
people understand how weather impacts everything, from daily plans to long-term projects. He’s always happy to talk about what’s happening in the sky, and how it affects what’s
happening on the ground. nicholas.j.morgan@noaa.gov 907-790-6802
Service office in Atlanta, Georgia, but fell in love with Alaska and has spent the past few years focused on all things Alaska weather. Nick works with local communities to help
people understand how weather impacts everything, from daily plans to long-term projects. He’s always happy to talk about what’s happening in the sky, and how it affects what’s
happening on the ground. nicholas.j.morgan@noaa.gov 907-790-6802

Ugh, slugs. We know you want to hear more about them and you will!

Scott Hansen,

John Krapek, from JUNEAU GREENS, came to Juneau in 2013 and noticed the opportunity for fresher, locally-sourced produce at the grocery store. He has a lifelong interest in botany and gardening. After completing his Master's degree in forest ecology at UAF, studying yellow-cedar trees throughout southeast Alaska, he met Trevor and they began to talk about local food production. www.juneaugreens.com/

Gino is a specialist in invasive plants and their management at UAF Cooperative Extension Service, Integrated Pest Management (IPM) team. He has participated in assessments of invasive plants, and does research on invasive plant control and managing the fate of pesticides in the environment. The IPM team has a variety of projects including managing root maggots, using biocontrols for management of knotweeds and other species, and various control projects.
An attractive plant can be an invasive (not pictured) and become a not so pretty problem.
An attractive plant can be an invasive (not pictured) and become a not so pretty problem.