SE AK Master Garderners ASsociation
Mini Spring Conference
May 19, & 20, 2021
Look for PDF download below for Printable Schedule
March 19, 2021 6:00 pm to 6:55 pm “Exploring the World for Fruit” Jim Gilbert and Lorraine Gardner have searched the world for new and unique fruits. Beginning with Jim’s travels to the former Soviet Union in 1990, the search for information and new varieties continues to this day. Explore the forests of the Russian Far East for honeyberry and magnolia vine, the steppes of Siberia for seaberry, the fig and persimmon orchards of Italy and Spain and look for new pineapple guava varieties in the exotic southern hemisphere countries of Brazil and New Zealand. Immerse yourself with Jim and Lorraine in our wide and diverse horticultural world and expand your horizons and concepts of fruit growing. Recording 7:00 pm to 7:55 pm “Growing with Fungi” Fungi Perfecti’s Loni Jean Ronnebaum’s presentation features information on low tech mushroom cultivation for home and garden, people and planet. Recording not Permitted Rec March 20, 2021 Recording for Morning Sessions Garden of Weeding or Garden of Eden? starts around the 57 min mark on the above recording 10:00 am to 10:55 am “Growing Unique and Delicious Fruit” Expand your gardening horizons and enjoy delicious fruit! Jim Gilbert and Lorraine Gardener-Northwoods Nursery will share their many years of fruit growing experience in the Pacific Northwest. Learn about disease resistant and uncommon varieties of apples, pears, peaches, currants and more. Explore the fascinating world of uncommon and tasty fruit, including Arctic Beauty Kiwi, honeyberry, seaberry and Schisandra Vine. Take on new challenges with citrus, figs and Pineapple Guava! 11:00 am to 11:55 am “Garden of Weeding or Garden of Eden?” Whet your appetite for this ecological gardening concept in Southeast Alaska. Corinne Conlon and Pat Hartman will discuss the concepts of permaculture and how an Australian-based land use concept can work in our climate of wet soils, cold temperatures, and short seasons. Learn adaptable design and ideas for permaculture to reduce your weeding time and increase your garden enjoyment. First two afternoon recordings Find your compost Style will start at around 58:40 1:00 pm to 1:55 pm Recording for Afternoon Sessions “Permaculture: The Synergy of Gardening” Master Gardener’s Corinne Conlon & Pat Hartman Expand your understanding of permaculture in Southeast by learning which perennial plants and designs have shown to be successful in Southeast Alaska and how to incorporate them into your garden through sheet mulching and keeping them healthy using green mulching. 2:00 pm to 2:55 pm “Find your Compost Style: The Pros and Cons of Different Compost Approaches” Lisa Daugherty will present a brief how-to of composting in a rainforest with a series of face-offs: hot vs cold compost, turned vs static compost, fast vs slow, yard debris vs food scraps, indoor vs outdoor, bears vs bins, pallets vs plastic, sifted vs chunky, chemistry vs biology, circular vs linear, and local vs global. Last two afternoon Recordings Oh, my Raking Back will start around: 59:00 3:30 pm to 4:25 pm “How to set up Electric Fences to Protect Gardens and Livestock” ADFG Wildlife Biologist Roy Churchwell will provide the basics of setting up an electric fence in your yard from the vendors that sell electric fence materials in town, how to set up and maintain a general electric fence system, and be available to answer any questions. 4:30 pm to 5:25 pm “Oh, my Raking Back!” Wear your most comfortable zoom call clothes as Dr. Birger Baastrup from City Center Chiropractic presents stretches and exercises for gardeners to prevent injury, movements that keep us well and fit, as well as those things to avoid during the gardening season. ![]()